Maybe this is a Chaetoceros-diatom again - relatively big. I dont know the species name. One single cell is 25 µm long and 35 µm wide.
first picture: Obj. 40x DIC, stack with 9 pics
second picture: Obj. 20x Ph, stack with 4 p.
third picture: Obj. 20x, DIC, stack with 6 pics.
a Chaetoceros-diatom again?
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
- Posts: 747
- Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:59 am
- Location: Italy
- Ernst Hippe
- Posts: 205
- Joined: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:41 am
- Location: Germany
Hi Ernst, I'm not convinced, diadema would have setae starting from within the valve margin, here they really start at the margin. I would put it down as C decipiens or lorenzianus. They are difficult to separate without spore formation, but in practise we generally hold on to whether the setae show a fused basal part. That is not the case here, so we would call it lorenzianus. Which is also an autumn species, so it seems to fit. The only point against is that it generally shows several chloroplasts instead of the single one here.
- Posts: 747
- Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:59 am
- Location: Italy
Many thanks to Ecki, Ernst, Mitch and Renè.
for Ecki:
Otto LARINK, Wilfried WESTHEIDE: Coastal Plankton. Photo Guide for European Seas, München, 2006
TREGOUBOFF, Grégoire, Maurice ROSE: Manuel de planctonologie mediterraneenne, Tome I, Tome II, Paris 1957 (I use mainly Tome II: Planches).
for Ecki:
Generally I prefer picture books ("Bilderbücher"). Currently I use:Which books do you use to identify marine species?
Otto LARINK, Wilfried WESTHEIDE: Coastal Plankton. Photo Guide for European Seas, München, 2006
TREGOUBOFF, Grégoire, Maurice ROSE: Manuel de planctonologie mediterraneenne, Tome I, Tome II, Paris 1957 (I use mainly Tome II: Planches).