A strange medical condition!

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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A strange medical condition!

Post by Cyclops »

Or at least thats what it looks like!
Basically its a blue plsatic and fibre CD sleeve at 40X but I couldnt get the surface as well as the interesting part beneath in focus at the same time, one always blurred out due to the almost non existant DOF! So I made 2 photographs at 2 different focus points, and then combined them in photoshop. In the end I felt it gained a kinf of medical look, like something you might find in a path lab or similar!
(Due to a focus discrepancy the layers overlapped somewhat but I decided not to crop out the boundaries as this added to the effect)

Canon A470 on chinese microscope with 10x eyepiece and 4X flat field Meiji objective.

Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope

Posts: 3084
Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:18 pm
Location: North East of England

Post by Cyclops »

Hmm I should have posted this as a Guess the Object shot-see who gets it ;)
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope

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