Another Micrasterias

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Another Micrasterias

Post by NikonUser »

Similar to Olivier's recent post
this is my 1st Micrasterias and also found in a peat bog.
Diam: 0.020 mm.
These guys actually move, slowly rotate but enough to affect stacking.
ZS PMax with rotation 20% (seemed to help)
20x Olympus D Plan Achro NA 0.4, 2.5x photoeyepiece. Flash.
Showing strong CA around the edges.
student of entomology
Quote – Holmes on ‘Entomology’
” I suppose you are an entomologist ? “
” Not quite so ambitious as that, sir. I should like to put my eyes on the individual entitled to that name.
No man can be truly called an entomologist,
sir; the subject is too vast for any single human intelligence to grasp.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
The Poet at the Breakfast Table.

Nikon camera, lenses and objectives
Olympus microscope and objectives

Charles Krebs
Posts: 5865
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Location: Issaquah, WA USA

Post by Charles Krebs »


Really nice!
These guys actually move, slowly rotate but enough to affect stacking
Normally people don't think of plants visibly locomoting, but these desmids and diatoms do get around! :wink:

Showing strong CA around the edges.
Not really that noticeable here. In my experience the reality is that it is more noticeable in photomicrography than the "macro" realm. Plan Apos improve things considerably, but if you look for it.....

Posts: 2694
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:03 am
Location: southern New Brunswick, Canada

Post by NikonUser »

Thanks Charles. I think I'm slowly improving my technique.

I have switched from using the built-in 100w halogen lamp on the BHS (what is the colour temp of these things? seems to change as its gets brighter)
and now simply place a flash in the light path. Use the halogen to initial focus and then switch if off. Images appear on a television screen via HTML cable.

Used your post processing tip (duplicate layer, multiply) to enhance the edges; thanks for that an all your other help.

Waiting delivery of a 40x and a 20x Splan Apo (these beauties are expensive :cry:)
student of entomology
Quote – Holmes on ‘Entomology’
” I suppose you are an entomologist ? “
” Not quite so ambitious as that, sir. I should like to put my eyes on the individual entitled to that name.
No man can be truly called an entomologist,
sir; the subject is too vast for any single human intelligence to grasp.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
The Poet at the Breakfast Table.

Nikon camera, lenses and objectives
Olympus microscope and objectives

Charles Krebs
Posts: 5865
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:02 pm
Location: Issaquah, WA USA

Post by Charles Krebs »


Yes the built in halogen really changes color temp dramatically at different "levels". If you set it in the range marked "Photo" (about 9), it's a pretty good match for 3200° K. But with the 100watt light source that can be a real eyeball scorcher in brightfield. :wink: Neutral density filters can be used in the back by the illuminator, or over the base light port to reduce intensity but maintain color temperature.

Craig Gerard
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Post by Craig Gerard »


This is nicely done!
Looks great on my monitor.
The improvement in the illumination technique is clearly evident.

To use a classic quote from 'Antz' - "I almost know exactly what I'm doing!"

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