Upper Image:
Leitz Ortholux microscope
4X Leitz projection eyepiece plus 32:1 relay lens
Leitz 2.5X Plan achromat objective.
Image stack, 21 images at .005 inch increments
Reflected light, diffused fiber optic illumination
Canon 50D
Zerene and Photoshop processing.
Live subject.
Middle image:
Leitz Ortholux microscope
4X Leitz projection eyepiece plus 32:1 relay lens
Leitz 4X Plan fluorite objective.
Image stack, 47 images at .0025 inch increments
Reflected light, diffused fiber optic illumination
Canon 50D
Zerene and Photoshop processing.
Live subject.
Lower image:
Crop of lower right of middle image.
The twin bulbous organs at the front of this spider are the largest pedipalps I have yet seen. I am aware that on male spiders these palps play some role in the sexual reproduction, yet these show no complicated structure. This specimen may be female or maybe an immature male. Any experts out there?
Please also note the hairs on the third leg from the front. It too has additional fine hairs that the resolution of the 4x objective barely brings out. A crop of the middle image is provided to better show the feature. It is a shame that the objective did not have more resolution to show the hairs on the hairs of the legs. They are almost like feathers.