Caprella (equilibra?)... aka "skeleton shrimp"

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Charles Krebs
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Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:02 pm
Location: Issaquah, WA USA

Caprella (equilibra?)... aka "skeleton shrimp"

Post by Charles Krebs »

It's always fun to see a strange "new" creature under the microscope, but occasionally you see something that just makes you smile and ponder how bizarre and wonderful the world of micro-creatures is.

This was one of those subjects for me. Perhaps not really "micro"... I figure the body of this one was about 7 to 10mm long (not including antennae)... but a microscope was necessary to really appreciate it.

It's a small amphipod, in the Caprellidae family. This one came on board in a small piece of dense diatom "mat" (same piece that had the hydrozoan I posted yesterday). Very odd looking. The gnathapods give it a slight praying mantis "look", but it's got appendages coming out all over the place. :wink:

Two sets of antennae, branchiae down the ventral side, and at the back end are six very articulated hooks. (When I observed it in the sample tank it appeared to use these to attach itself very effectively to the diatom mass).

These pictures were taken with the 4/0.16 S Plan Apo. The way I'm set up that yields an 8.35X magnification on sensor. The first and last image represent a field size of about 2.7mm left to right (center one is cropped a little). Top image is slightly cross-polarized brightfield, the other two are darkfield.




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