Moldavite is a green silica based tektite that formed during a meteorite impact about 15 million years ago. The impact caused molten rock and meteorite to be blasted into the atmosphere where they melted together and formed a natural glass(a tektite). As the glass fell, it was sculpted into different shapes by a process called flight ablation which leaves the marks on its surface. The tektites landed in a small area of central Europe that is now known as the Czech Republic. This area is the only place this type of tektite is found in the world.
Moldavite Specimen
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Moldavite Specimen
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Wow That is an old chunk of rock there Doug . Interesting to read how it was formed. Sure glad I did not live the area of impact back then. You know I read somewhere a long time ago that meteors of pretty good size strike the earth every year and sometimes with enough magnitude to be recorded as a nuclear event.