These Bushes I found in a very swampy area and they were loaded with these beautiful colored fruits. They were a stark contrast to the grays and golds of all the surrounding vegetation.
More Autumn Fruit
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
More Autumn Fruit
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Found an ID for this plant if anyone is interested. Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) is a native American holly found near woods and wetlands.
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Oh very nice, its a holly! I forget there are deciduous Hollies out there;our native is a spiky evergreen!
Your species is a popular choice for Bonsai too!
Your species is a popular choice for Bonsai too!
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