... on the onion flower.
Camera model Olympus SP-320
Date/time 20.06.2006/12:56:05
Exposure time 1/500 s
F-number f/2.8
ISO 64
Focal length 8 mm
... and another cheek.
Camera model Olympus SP-320
Date/time 20.06.2006/12:56:24
Exposure time 1/500 s
F-number f/2.8
ISO 64
Focal length 8 mm
Feeding wasp
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Feeding wasp
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.
Noticing of my "a" and "the" and other grammar
errors are welcome.
Noticing of my "a" and "the" and other grammar
errors are welcome.
I find wasps far more approachable than their reputation has us believe! They are also too wrongly persecuted and are in fact very beneficial creatures!
Great shot Nikola!
Great shot Nikola!
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope