Well, I walked the family to school this morning (my wife works at the school where the kids go also) and seeing that the day was going to be warm for this time of year, I took my camera to see what I could shoot on the way home, and this is what I found interesting. All these pictures are of small hedges of plants along the sidewalk in peoples yards....hope you like
Red fruits are about 3/8" long.
The orange seeds are popping out of the pods
White fruits are about 3/4" in Diameter.
Some Autumn Seeds
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Some Autumn Seeds
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
I can tell you the first one is a Berberis, quite common round here.
The second looks like a Euonymus, or Spinde Tree
The third one is Snowberry(Symphoricarpus alba)
I knows me plants!
The second looks like a Euonymus, or Spinde Tree
The third one is Snowberry(Symphoricarpus alba)
I knows me plants!
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope
Now you know why I was known as Greenlarry before....beetleman wrote:Simply Amazing Cyclops You really do know your plants. Thank you very much for the IDs....I will go and change the names on my pictures so I don`t forget the names
Plants were my first love, I must have been born in a meadow, im crazy about them!
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope