Sunny day in spider's life

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Sunny day in spider's life

Post by MacroLuv »

If you like spiders, I hope you'll like this one. :D


Camera model Olympus SP-320
Date/time 21.06.2006/15:17:51
Exposure time 1/320 s
F-number f/5.6
ISO 64
Focal length 8 mm
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Post by beetleman »

Very nice spider shot Nikola. I like his bullet shaped abdomen :wink: One question, does anyone know why some orb spinning spiders have those spokes of zig-zag silk in the web "what does it do" :-k
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Doug Breda

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Post by MacroLuv »

beetleman wrote:Very nice spider shot Nikola. I like his bullet shaped abdomen :wink: One question, does anyone know why some orb spinning spiders have those spokes of zig-zag silk in the web "what does it do" :-k
This large white zigzag of its web is called the stabilimentum or web decoration and its function is controversial. The function of the stabilimentum has been debated for a long time. It is no longer thought to stabilize the web. It is believed that the spider uses it to camouflage itself and to warn birds not to fly through the web. But there are also other hypotheses. Perhaps the most important function of stabilimenta is to attract insects. The silk of the stabilimentum reflects UV light and pollinating insects are lured to these threads. If the spider is attacked it starts shaking vigorously in her web. The whole web becomes white because of the stabilimentum. This frightens of attackers. Some species makes a cross or cilcular shaped stabilimentum.
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.

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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You know mountain folklore has it that these spiders will count your teeth and the number of teeth that they count will be placed in that thing in the center of the web. The number of teeth counted is the number of years you will have left to live. :shock: So...I keep my mouth shut around spiders. We call them "writting spiders" down here. There is also a bit of truth in some of these old mountain stories from time to time, so I would be careful, after all...tomorrow is Friday the 13th. :smt087

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Post by beetleman »

Well, I guess I asked the right person for the info on the web thing. Thank you very much Nikola...great information :smt023 Friday the 13th, and I have An appointment with the dentist tomorrow...double trouble :smt022
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Doug Breda

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Post by Cyclops »

I do like spiders very much, and this is a nice Argiope species.
Lucky to have these in your country!
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