Here is a picture I took a few days ago of something on a branch on the ground in the local cemetery. Not sure what it is. The second picture I took last year of a branch on the ground along the side of the road. "Could they be the same thing?" Ken mentioned jelly fungi in this post; ... .php?t=581
So I hunted down the old picture and I am posting them together.
Only around 6mm in diameter
This specimen was around 5cm in diameter
Funny you mentioned Jelly Fungi Ken
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Funny you mentioned Jelly Fungi Ken
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Don't know if it's this one:- ... terica.htm ... erica.html
Or even this one:-
DaveW ... terica.htm ... erica.html
Or even this one:-
Fantastic links almost looks like I might have two different fungi. Look at the date of the second picture, I took that in February and I remember I was surprised to see it. We had a warm spell, and the snow had melted down. The sand on it is from the road sand they put down on the roads for the snow. I also took a pic in march, and the thing was shriveled up. "Yellow Brain Fungus" Cool . The first one, I will have to keep an eye on and see what developes. I took the branch and put it in a safe place so the cemetery workers would not pick it up. Again, thank you for doing the research and the links (bookmarking them now)
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Looks as though Dave hit it right on the mark there Doug. Yellow Brain Fungus. For some reason I was surprised that the article stated that it grows only in winter and then becomes a hard bracket during the summer. If I remember right, I have found numerous jelly-like fungi during the winter months. Great image, you captured it well Doug.