Bees Doing What Bees Do Best!

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Bees Doing What Bees Do Best!

Post by beetleman »

Why pollinating the world :lol: These two shots were taken very early in the morning on my cucumber plants in the garden. The flowers were also deep in the vines and very shaded from the light. I didn`t use the flash because I liked the "mellow yellow" (quite right slip) tones of the shots.


Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

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Post by MacroLuv »

Yep! Bees are busy. :D Green & yellow is always great combination.
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.

Noticing of my "a" and "the" and other grammar
errors are welcome. :D

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You know I never did understand the words to that song but I did like it. :wink: You really got the mellow yellow part down right there Doug, even the colors look like the soft drink Mellow Yellow. Nice shots, thanks! :D

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