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Wim van Egmond
Posts: 826
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Location: Berkel en Rodenrijs, the Netherlands


Post by Wim van Egmond »

I've been to Bretagne to photographs some organisms from the sea. (and drink a lot of wine afterwards) It was extreme low tide that week. This is a small (5 cm) anemone that lives in the sand. I liked it because it is has only little colour which makes it quite subtle.

It is photographed with the camera directed straight downwards. I used a single flash. I made sure my own reflection filled the image to block the reflection of the sky in the water. I also use a polar filter to help elliminate reflection.



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Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Post by Carl_Constantine »

Wow, not only do you train insects to strike a pose on command, but a master of sea creatures too :D

Nice shot Wim.

Whne I was camping about a month back, I took some pictures like this of sun stars, but I didn't do what you did (block out the reflection) and I didn't have a polar filter and the water was moving. So, didn't turn out like I wanted :( ah well.

Great photo Wim.
Carl B. Constantine

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

I really like these things, they are so beautiful. This image of them reminds me of a bunch of pine cones. You did a great job of photographing them through the water Wim :D

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Post by beetleman »

Very beautiful Wim...I love the sea and the salt water and all its creatures.
I grew up on long Island, New York and we were always in the water. Plus I had reef aquariums for ten years also :wink:
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

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