Candy anyone?

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Candy anyone?

Post by Cyclops »

I'll warn you tho,these things are sour,real face pullers!
This was a real difficult shot to get as i had to hand hold the camera at its closest setting,and macro mode. Then there was a lighting problem,and to solve that I used the light on one my mobile phones,shining into the bag. I then set spot focus,focussed on the closest sweet,set a wide aperture,held the phone with the other hand then found I couldn't fire the shutter! So then i thought,ah self timer! So i set it to 2 seconds and held my breath. Took about 10 shots to get this. Image

Oh they're all gone now! ;)
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You know Larry, I got to hand it you. :D You seem to do more with a couple of cell phones than most of us do with dSLR's. :lol: Those look pretty good! "Face pullers," huh? Gotta remember that... :-k

Posts: 3103
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Location: North East of England

Post by Cyclops »

Ken Ramos wrote:You know Larry, I got to hand it you. :D You seem to do more with a couple of cell phones than most of us do with dSLR's. :lol: Those look pretty good! "Face pullers," huh? Gotta remember that... :-k

Thanks Ken,tho the photo was taken with the Panasonic digi. I just used a phone as a light source.
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope

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