Bradford Pear Tree Bloom
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Bradford Pear Tree Bloom
Bradford Pear Bloom
Canon EOS 20D, hand held
Canon EF-100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Several of these trees line the parking area where I work and every year since I have been employed there, I always look forward to seeing these beautiful white blooms. Can the Dogwoods be far behind...? Ah..choo!
Thanks Jordan Peach trees in the orchard across from where I work have blooms all over them too, however I don't think they, the owner, would appreciate me prowling around his orchard with a camera, regardless of what I was up to. People are funny around here.
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
Well my goodness Larry You know out here you can get one real cheap in Manassas, Virginia. Lets see , Loraina I think is her name. Anyway a crack surgon, really a "cut" above the rest.I'm off the team for a day or two having just had a vasectomy,ouch!
I am not one to tag on "good picture" to everything that is posted.
But, this is an exceptional image. I like the sharp focus, the depth of field, color and composition. The lighting is very effective with some back lighting and some front lighting of the petals. The exposure is perfect - I assume it was natural light.
The only nit I could pick is the two bright areas on the right border, they tend to pull the eye away from the subject but that is a small issue and could be very easily corrected in Photoshop.
What were your camera settings?
Thanks for posting.
But, this is an exceptional image. I like the sharp focus, the depth of field, color and composition. The lighting is very effective with some back lighting and some front lighting of the petals. The exposure is perfect - I assume it was natural light.
The only nit I could pick is the two bright areas on the right border, they tend to pull the eye away from the subject but that is a small issue and could be very easily corrected in Photoshop.
What were your camera settings?
Thanks for posting.
Bob replied:
Thanks Bob!
You know for some reason I did not notice those, I suppose they could have been cloned out. I use Photo Impact 6, a really old program but it works well for my uses. There was another area like that at the bottom of the bloom but I was able to crop it out. The settings if I recall were 1/125 sec. @ f/9 ISO 100 and no flash was used, plenty of sun, high noon. The original of this I did not save but I did happen to glance at the exif before trashing it. Usually I save everything I go to the trouble of processing but this one for some odd reason or another, I did not.The only nit I could pick is the two bright areas on the right border, they tend to pull the eye away from the subject but that is a small issue and could be very easily corrected in Photoshop.
What were your camera settings?
Thanks Bob!
Ken Ramos wrote:
Well my goodness Larry You know out here you can get one real cheap in Manassas, Virginia. Lets see , Loraina I think is her name. Anyway a crack surgon, really a "cut" above the rest.
Ah we get all this pain and tugging for free over here,luckily,well i think luckily anyway
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope