Another snake in the grass

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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Another snake in the grass

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »


Water mocassin
captive subject
f/25 @ 1/200th second
ISO 160
flash as main light
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Post by MacroLuv »

Great looking! Is it poison one? :shock: I saw snakes two or three times during my last vacation but those ladies had no willing to pose for my camera.
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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You know, I almost sat down on one of these while fishing in Back Bay in Virginia. Got quite a scare out of that, I mean I was less than three feet away from the blame thing! However its eyes were scaled over and I assume it could not see but I wondered if it was still able to detect my heat signature. Anyway I got away unscathed and with clean underware. :lol: Now I look closely before I sit down in the out of doors, some times I turn around a couple of times like some old dog to make sure there is nothing there or to scare whatever maybe there off. :roll: Great shot of the poisonous critter Mike. :D

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Post by beetleman »

I have seen a few of these in the wild, not too close. Whats that old saying Ken...about if you get a snake bite on your butt, you will know for sure who your true friends are!!! :smt042. Very nice Shot Mike, He looks Like he "Aims To Misbehave" :wink:
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Doug Breda

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Post by MacroLuv »

MacroLuv wrote:Great looking! Is it poison one? :shock: I saw snakes two or three times during my last vacation but those ladies had no willing to pose for my camera.
... or I didn't have willing to invite them to photo session.. do not remember... :-k :smt044
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.

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Post by puzzledpaul »

I think the pic works very well (for me) because of the diagonal composition + snake 'flowing' with the grass - nice job :)

The bit of non-grass bg is also easily dealt with, which, imo, would make it even better ...


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