Tiny Mushroom

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Tiny Mushroom

Post by beetleman »

Spotted this little guy in my bog garden growing out of the moss. Also some small sundews showing in the picture. Mushroom is a little over 1cm high and the cap is .5cm in diameter.

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Gordon C. Snelling
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Post by Gordon C. Snelling »

NIce shot, I love little shrooms. D. rotunifolia??

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Post by MacroLuv »

A fairy tale photo. :D Bringing me back to childhood. I can even see a little white octopus. 8) (middle-down)
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Post by beetleman »

Gordon said: NIce shot, I love little shrooms. D. rotunifolia??
Gordon, It does look like Drosera rotundifolia. I only have one adult plant in the whole little bog which is flowering for the first time this summer. Last year, all my Drosera intermedia plants flowered and set seed and now I have hundreds of little seedling plants growing all over the place. I also overwintered some 20 venus fly traps (Dionaea Muscipula) by putting 12" of leaves over them. Drosera intermedia and Drosera rotundifolia are native to the North East and Dionaea Muscipula is native to North Carolina.
I heard that they naturalized them (fly traps) in the New Jersey Pine barrens so I decided to see what I could do Here in New Hampshire, just in my little bog, not in the wild :wink: .

Glad you like the picture Nikola :D
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Gordon C. Snelling
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Post by Gordon C. Snelling »

I thought it might be D. rotundifolia, although the plants still look a little immature to be sure. I used to have a huge CP collection but never did the bog garden thing. Alas Cp do not grow well in my current environment.

Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Nice color combinations....Mushrooms are one of those subject types I always want to shoot more of, but never seem to do.
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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