The biggest, fattest caterpiller I have ever seen

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Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:20 am
Location: South Africa

Post by JoanYoung »

I am finding all this very interesting and appreciate the great input.

This is what he lookes like now. This pic was taken 12 days later.

I have had him since the begining of January and he dug himself into the sand to pupate almost immediately.

Joan Young

Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

JoanYoung wrote:It also explains why there were so many about one day and were all gone the next. Mine has burrowed into the sand and I am eagerly waiting to see what will hatch. I will take pics of it and post them when that happens. :)
I'm not clear if you have yours in a cage or enclosure, or if he is "outside" where you have easy access to him. If he's outside and you are pretty sure you know where he has buried himself, might be worthwhile to build a dome of wire screen over his burial site. But if you do, check it every day so you can let him out when he emerges! (after photographing him, of course).

If he's in a cage, I assume he's outside where he can get temperature cues? Sorry to be obsessive-compulsive about these things you've probably already got covered....But I'm sure he's most grateful you didn't chow down on him! :)
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."

Posts: 583
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:20 am
Location: South Africa

Post by JoanYoung »

Thanks Mike. He is in a fish tank with sand, stone and bark in it situated on a table in my lounge. :)
Joan Young

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