What my daughter got for chrismas

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What my daughter got for chrismas

Post by tpe »

She actually bought them her self out of her own poket money. :). Minolta 100mm macro, 31mm extention tubes on the first and second shot.
Not sure what species they are but they are the cows of the canopy as far as i can see, they just eat and eat and eat.




And daddy has to go out in the cold and the rain to find the fresh leaves they need :).

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

That is certainly the wildest bug I have seen in a while, I think... :-k She bought these :?: Well to each their own I suppose :lol: I don't know what kind of bug it is either but it sure looks mean. Great images Tim! :D

Tony T
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Post by Tony T »

Yikes, think I will stay with flies. I have seen these guys before but can't quite place them.
Perhaps Spiny Stick Insect?

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Post by Planapo »

Yeah, order Phasmatodea ("stick and leaf insects" or "walking sticks and walking leaves" as they are called in English, I think) that´s what it looks to me too, though I can only see the third of supposedly three images.
And yes, over here Phasmatodea are sold in pet shops sometimes.


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Post by beetleman »

WOW...#1 is an excellent closeup tpe. All three are great. I here they make great pets and are easy to breed. Good luck. I know the Japanese are crazy about raising Stag & Scarab Beetles and pay big bucks for the rare ones :shock:
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