No bugs to shoot so I had to try some other diversion..
The sink always works. Shot with 105mm dine (bad exif)
Few more if anyone is interested out HERE.
Trying to conquer boredom..
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Trying to conquer boredom..
D50,100 IR, 90, 700, 800E and a box of old manual lenses.
Ken all of the color comes from the plate the water drips onto. I just set a ceramic dinner plate in the kitchen sink (we have a few in different colors), let the faucet drip and start shooting pics. I sometimes set something for the background like a different colored towel. The background in the first two pictures is a pie pan that had some tin foil in it that was just sitting in the pile of dirty dishes. Made for an interesting reflector. This is literally a 30 second setup.
The edge of the red in the middle picture is just the rim of the dinner plate with the pie pan behind it. Only problem I have is getting yelled at for not getting the dishes done on time..
The edge of the red in the middle picture is just the rim of the dinner plate with the pie pan behind it. Only problem I have is getting yelled at for not getting the dishes done on time..
D50,100 IR, 90, 700, 800E and a box of old manual lenses.
You know that is pretty cool. I need to head over to Wal Mart and grab a colored dish or two. All of mine are of that "stone work pattern." Not much color there. Lucky me though, I have very little in the way of dishes to wash most of the time. Microwave dinners solve that problem. Eat outt'a the tray they come in, throw it away and wash the knife and fork. Done!
Oh i love these type of shots,very difficul to get right. I tried some myself for a photography college course I did,but i had no fancy equipment and just had to guess and use open flash.
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope
Trying this on film would be an exercise in futility. I get 1 in 10 sometimes. If I get into a good rhythm I might do as well as 1 in 3. When I have to do dishes, I like to play a little too. Only takes a few seconds to set up and I get hrs of fun going through 100's of shots when I finally get the real work at hand done..
A double splash..
A double splash..
D50,100 IR, 90, 700, 800E and a box of old manual lenses.