A few Minerals

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bill henderson
Posts: 46
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Location: carrollton tx

A few Minerals

Post by bill henderson »

I've been having a lot of fun stuff with a new 4x5 Poloroid bellows converted to take my D200 and any other lens set up I can dream up. Works great with microscope objectives ,enlarger lens,etc. it: very sturdy for stacking photos.
All of these photos were taken with the D200,60mm Micro, stacked using Helicon, camera atop the bellows unit using the worm gear for focus. Fiber optic Lighting

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Post by JoanYoung »

What beautiful minerals and pictures of them you have posted here Bill!! :) Escpecially the first one. Crystals and minerals are a fascinating subject with very many beautiful ones to be found. Thanks for sharing.
Joan Young

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Post by beetleman »

Beautiful pictures Bill. The Vanadinite in the first specimen is very clear :shock: I really like the way the axial angles are highlighted in the garnet. Is their an impurity in the garnet that makes it that color? I posted a vanadinite photo a while ago also. The stacks came out great.
http://www.photomacrography.net/forum/v ... vanadinite
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

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Location: Port Orchard, Washington

Post by microcollector »

Very nice photos Bill. Glad to see some mineral photos.
Doug Merson
micro minerals - the the unseen beauty of the mineral kingdom
Canon T5i with Canon 70 - 200 mm f4L zoom as tube lens set at 200mm, StacK Shot rail, and Mitutoyo 5X or 10X M plan apo objectives.

My Mindat Mineral Photos

bill henderson
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:46 pm
Location: carrollton tx

Garnet outlines

Post by bill henderson »

I'm not expert enough about garnets to know about the composition of the outlines if any one can help on that we would sure like to know. I think its neat how each crystal has the outline

Posts: 261
Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:19 pm
Location: Port Orchard, Washington

Post by microcollector »

From what I understand about garnets, it is not possible to tell them apart visually. Most garnets are mixtures of two or more of the various garnet species. It takes a detailed analysis to tell what is what. Whithout such analysis, it better to label them garnet group. The tourmaline group is another group that takes a detailed analysis to determine what species you have. What was once done by color is nolonger a reliable way of telling tourmaline species apart.
micro minerals - the the unseen beauty of the mineral kingdom
Canon T5i with Canon 70 - 200 mm f4L zoom as tube lens set at 200mm, StacK Shot rail, and Mitutoyo 5X or 10X M plan apo objectives.

My Mindat Mineral Photos

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