Do you remember my post "Find the..."?
Here is a guy of another kind but also very well camouflaged.
Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date/time original 09.08.2007 10:25:20
Shutter speed value 1/400 s
Aperture value f/6.3
ISO speed ratings ISO 200
Focal length 100 mm
Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date/time original 09.08.2007 10:25:22
Shutter speed value 1/400 s
Aperture value f/6.3
ISO speed ratings ISO 200
Focal length 100 mm
Find the... again!
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Find the... again!
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.
Noticing of my "a" and "the" and other grammar
errors are welcome.
Noticing of my "a" and "the" and other grammar
errors are welcome.
I wonder if they are that color because they mature late in the season. Or maybe it was green when it was younger and changes to gray later in the year. It is a perfect match to its enviroment. . Everytime I go to the stores, I look at the 400Ds. My camera is still at Canon getting fixed ( 9days already )
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
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