A Couple of things...

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Ken Ramos
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A Couple of things...

Post by Ken Ramos »

Pickens have been pretty slim here of late, all summer actually :roll:

Egg mass, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, on Peach tree limb
Canon G7
Manual/macro mode, hand held, IS = on
"My Colors" = neutral, AWB
1/80 sec. @ f/3.5 ISO 100
Daylight, noon day sun

A Stinking Bug :roll:
(Image data, same as above)

Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Nice little stink bug. You are enjoying that G7!
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Mike wrote:
You are enjoying that G7!
I sure am there Mike, quite a handy little gadget when you only have time for a few quick and random shots here and there. Thanks :D

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Post by rjlittlefield »

Very nice capture, Ken. The image is so crisp and detailed that it really called my eye to an interesting piece of anatomy on this beast. See that triangular plate that sits between the wings, over the abdomen, south of the thorax? That's called the "scutellum". On the stinkbugs that I'm familiar with, the scutellum is fairly small and flat, and basically sits completely between the wings. But on this beast of yours, it's quite large, apparently elevated a bit, and the wings actually tuck under the end of it. In checking with BugGuide, I see quite a few of both designs. I never noticed that before. Thanks!


Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

That G7 really is a winner!

Pic1 is very unusual - I've never seen a caterpillar egg mass (or anything else) quite like it.

The stink bug is a real beauty and you've done a great job with the G7 too. Exposure is excellent (IMO) and it's nicely sharp and well detailed.

Ken, you say that you use manual mode. Is that both exposure and focus? My eyesight is not the greatest and I'm not at all confident that I could accurately focus using the (admittedly excellent) LCD screen - particularly in bright conditions.

Bruce :D

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

I am not really familar with insect anatomy to a great degree Rik but I am glad that you did find something of interest in the thing. I learned a thing or to myself from your response too, thanks :smt023

Bruce wrote:
Ken, you say that you use manual mode. Is that both exposure and focus? My eyesight is not the greatest and I'm not at all confident that I could accurately focus using the (admittedly excellent) LCD screen - particularly in bright conditions.
I use the Auto Focus (AF) and AWB, there Bruce and like the larger dSLR's it can all be programed to suit your needs. I leave mine at center AF with focus conformation. As for shutter and aparature, I set all that manually but the LCD gives you instant feedback, not only in regards to the settings you select but in actual image appearance as well, which the latter is what I really like. Wish my D series dSLR cameras had LCD's like that. With the exception of interchangable lenses, the G7 is much like its larger sibblings and offers quite a lot more than any compact digital I have seen around. :wink:

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Post by beetleman »

The egg mass is incredible...have never seen anything like that. Have you tried the camera on any of your microscopes yet Ken?
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Ken Ramos
Posts: 7208
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Doug asked:
Have you tried the camera on any of your microscopes yet Ken?
Tried it on the Axiostar there Doug but the lens to eyepiece distance is really close and the cameras auto focus seems not to like it. Though there is an adapter that I can get from Zei$$ for mounting the G7. :D

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