Different angle > diff. lighting & diff. background

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Different angle > diff. lighting & diff. background

Post by MacroLuv »

... but the same place as well as dragonfly and less than one minute of time span. Well, it gives the completely different atmosphere! Doesn't it? :D
I think we have a male here, but wait until Erland approve it. :?


Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date/time original 03.08.2007 09:56:48
Shutter speed value 1/250 s
Aperture value f/11
ISO speed ratings ISO 200
Focal length 100 mm


Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date/time original 03.08.2007 09:57:08
Shutter speed value 1/250 s
Aperture value f/10
ISO speed ratings ISO 200
Focal length 100 mm


Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date/time original 03.08.2007 09:57:19
Shutter speed value 1/320 s
Aperture value f/8
ISO speed ratings ISO 200
Focal length 100 mm
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Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

All nice pics but I especially like the angle on pic3.

IMO one thing that makes an image notable is when it "begs a question" or triggers a line of thought. I was immediately struck by the (seemingly) gravity defying (yet elegant) position of legs and body as the dragonfly holds position its post. The whole thing is really quite beautiful. I was particularly amused by the left front toes gripping the tip of the topmost thorne.

It makes you wonder what pre-landing decision making takes place as the dragonfly comes in for close approach "Hmmm watch out for that spine at 6 o'clock...."

Bruce :D

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Post by DaveW »

Yes Bruce, the undercarriage on a dragonfly seems totally useless for landing on flat surfaces. I gather it has evolved to form a catching net for insects in flight?


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Post by beetleman »

I like the clean lines and background of pic #1......like a fine expensive car. he also has a smile on his face like "hehehe, I didn`t get stabbed by any of these thorns"
Last edited by beetleman on Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Erland R.N.
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Post by Erland R.N. »

Yes, male Sympetrum fonscolombii :D

Legs on dragonflies and damselflies are surely skewed foreward, like on no other insects. It serves as a catching bag for prey, I've even seen pctures of a damselfly catching very tiny prey in the air, and it's seen how the legs are placed to trap the prey.


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Post by DaveW »

I note the legs also have spines or bristles on them Erland to also help contain the prey?


Erland R.N.
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Post by Erland R.N. »

DaveW wrote:I note the legs also have spines or bristles on them Erland to also help contain the prey?

Yes, that should be the primary function. Using the spines for cleaning is a secondary.


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Post by MacroLuv »

Thanks folks. :D
They know to land on the relatively flat surface too. Rarely but I saw it. 8)
The meaning of beauty is in sharing with others.

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