MYXOMYCETES XXIV – Miscellaneous 2007

Earlier images, not yet re-categorized. All subject types. Not for new images.

Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau

Walter Piorkowski
Posts: 693
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
Location: South Beloit, Ill

MYXOMYCETES XXIV – Miscellaneous 2007

Post by Walter Piorkowski »




Arcyria cinerea
Horizontal FOV – 5mm
Canon 10D
Canon 20mm f.l. lens on tubes at f/5.6
116 stacked images at .001 inch increments
fiber optic illumination
Combine ZM and Photoshop

Sporophites of Genus Hemitrichia
Horizontal FOV – 5mm
Canon 10D
Canon 20mm f.l. lens on tubes at f/5.6
98 stacked images at .001 inch increments
fiber optic illumination
Combine ZM and Photoshop

Lime bearing myxos of Order Physarales
Horizontal FOV – 5mm
Canon 10D
Canon 35mm f.l. lens on tubes at f/5.6
97 stacked images at .001 inch increments
fiber optic illumination
Combine ZM and Photoshop

Some additional myxo subjects from an extremely successful collecting season. Our area experienced weekly and substantial rainfall this year. The common myxo species found this to their liking and where found in abundance. The Arcyria image lacks some detail due to exposure or stacking issues but is a good representation of the subject. The hemitrichia image is interesting as it shows detail inside the thinning walls of the spherical peridium.

The lime bearing myxos of the bottom image are something I don’t run across often. The lower image is of a subject that had emerged from the substrate of a rotting log under loosened bark and was completely hidden from sunlight and the human eye. It was by chance that I pealed up the bark to get a better look at a stemonitis species. My suspicition is that it was from last years season and had set undisturbed since then. This species, as yet unidentified, is from the Order Physarales, most likely genus Physarum.


Posts: 269
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:09 am

Post by jmlphoto »

i gotta go with number one. it looks like a small little island with a few trees. amazing work as usual.
Jordan L. photo southern california.

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

More stunning images Walt. Picking up on Jordan's comments - yes to me they have a similar artistic appeal as those amazing group bonsai?


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Post by beetleman »

Excellent as usual Walt. Some beautiful images. I like #3. Very unusual looking. I found this while looking up "Order Physarales" (same order as Dog Vomit). He sure could have used some of your pictures :wink:
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Walter Piorkowski
Posts: 693
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
Location: South Beloit, Ill

Post by Walter Piorkowski »

Thanks guys. It is always interesting to read how the images create an impression. Thanks Doug for that link. By the way I found some of my own dog vomit myxo right outside the window of my place of enployment it was growing on mulch.


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