Thanks all of you for giving it a shot.
It certainly could be the empty eye socket of an unfortunate newt (or similar beastie) couldn't it... An' I can see the tyre/wheel connection.....and at a pinch, if I squint enough I can almost make a geode "pop" right out from the screen.
A galactic wormhole needs more imagination than I can muster....maybe a common or garden wormhole though....hmmm....nah don't think so....!
But we do have a winner....and no surprises....the winner is....and it's another gold star for Mr Rik J. Littlefield

I will post the answer pic tonight in all it's glory....hmmm am I allowed to say does seem a little self congratulatory doesn't it ....well it really wasn't meant that way....and anyway the tail bit is missing......