I found these guys in the very act when I left the house this morning , so I dashed back, fetched the camera and mangaged to capture this image. One out of more than a dozen finally turned out to be not too bad...my point&shoot is always a bit unpredictable, and I can actually see what I´ve got only later on the screen of my desktop´s monitor.
The morning sun was shining brightly when shooting, fortunately, as the built-in flash of the p&s usually sucks at close distance.
(BTW: Hey, native speakers, should I better say "usually doesn´t perform very well" instead of "sucks", as the latter might be indecent, rude language in this case...? Could I say "sucks" during a public presentation, e. g. ? Honestly, I dunno, hence linguistic advice would be appreciated.)
Actually, the syrphid flies were sitting on a vertical brick wall, so I rotated the image 90 degrees anti-clockwise, cropped, sharpened. Camera was Ricoh Caplio GX, 5 MP.
It could be a species of genus Eristalis. As said before today, I am not engaged in Diptera so I am not sure about this. And albeit the lateral view works nicely for the photo, IMHO, in this case is a bit unusual for recognizing features for ID, at least for me.
Hope you enjoy!