Wonderfull photo. The only complaint is that the distances to the two eyes are not equal, so both popped into focus.
It is certainly a Plactynemis (Featherleg), which have relative big distance between the eyes (in relation to eye diameter), compared to all other European damselflies. In your region, P. pennipes should be the only Featherleg, and it's found in most of Europe.
Forgot to mention the cool look of the waterdrop, covering most of the lover face.
Last edited by Erland R.N. on Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Erland: Yep, it's very distracting that left eye is off focus. He kept moving his head
MacroLuv: I held a purple flower behind the subject, to get more pleasant background. I usually have one or two flowers with different color with me, so i can manipulate the background