Myxos New Hampshire Style "Day Three"

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Myxos New Hampshire Style "Day Three"

Post by beetleman »

Moving right along is my little plasmodium. You can see that it has joined together into one big animal(?) The letter "A" is still for reference and I finally had a dime in my pocket (very poor these days) for a size reference. I am going to start a new job back in the small city again, so I better enjoy this beautiful section of NH woods. A few other pictures with some interesting details. I guess it does not like to eat "EGGS" :wink: The log is a hardwood tree (not sure what type) very moist, spongy and rotten. This section of the log is not touching the ground but is on the bottom of the log.
DAY ONE HERE.... ... php?t=3207
DAY TWO HERE... ... php?t=3214



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Doug Breda

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Post by tpe »

Thats a fantastic growth. Also really interesting that they dont like to eat eggs. Perhaps the eggs are producing some kind of antiprotists (antibiotic like?) as the eggs do not seem to have been touch so must be excreeting something. Perhaps you have discoverd a new wonder droug that can combat eucaryotic paracites without affecting the host?


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Post by jmlphoto »

who would have ever thought there would be such goodies under a rotting log :lol: great documentation of this.

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You should measure that thing Doug. A dime is about 18mm in dia. Judging fromt the photograph and the dime, looks as though you may have at least 60 cents worth of plasmodium there. The largest one I ever kept at home was 30mm. There also must be a very rich and abundant food supply for that thing to get as big as it is. Wonder how many thousands of nuclei there are? :-k Great documentation Doug, hope to see more as long as it lasts. :D

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