No dof is not the best but it still is a good photograph with a good measure of detail I think. I saw one on my sidewalk here while back and it had a "grasshopper" of all things! I ran back in the house to get my camera but wouldn't you know it, as always the case, it was gone when I returned. I don't know what kind of insect this one has but it sort of looks like maybe a "lacewing"
Nice pic -- I can never get these things to sit still to be photographed.
Looks like a winged ant to me too.
Sue, the DOF looks fine to me. But the whole image looks a bit washed out, like maybe you're picking up flare from all that bright background. Photoshop histogram reports no darks below level 26. Would a level adjust help?
That is one big catch! Even now, I'm sure that ant (or whatever it is) is back from the taxidermist and mounted on a wooden plaque in this Robber Fly's den!
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome
"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."