Hanging by a thread

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Hanging by a thread

Post by salden »


Found him/her hanging around my yard...

Caught in a web, but seemed to be only connected to the main web by a thread. There were no signs of a spider, but the insect was all ready dead by the time I found him.
Sue Alden

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Post by beetleman »

The spider is probably hanging it up to "cure" a little, like aging a ham. What a way to go....."food on a string" :shock:
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Doug Breda

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Doug replied:
The spider is probably hanging it up to "cure" a little, like aging a ham.

I see that a lot around here. I figure the insect was probably in a much larger part of the web at one time and that this is just the result of weathering. Like that two tone background. :D

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