MYXOMYCETES XVII – More early fructification images
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
- Posts: 693
- Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
- Location: South Beloit, Ill
MYXOMYCETES XVII – More early fructification images
Top image: A cluster of emerging myxos.
Horizontal FOV 4mm
Canon 10D
Canon 20mm Macro on tubes @ f/3.5
170 images at .0005 inch increments
Middle image: Hypothallus, stalk and columella structure.
Horizontal FOV 1.5mm
Canon 10D
Leitz 20X objective on tubes
86 images at .00025 inch increments
Bottom Image: Single myxo ready for next stage.
Horizontal FOV 3mm
Canon 10D
Leitz 20X objective on tubes
60 images at .0005 inch increments
All images proceed in Combine ZM and Photoshop
It is difficult to pin point a myxomycete genus in fructification with my limited experience but I’ll stick my neck out that this is one of the Arcyria. The top image is a super stack of a cluster showing nine of these tiny myxos. I wanted to try and get as many in focus as I could . I have never seen them at this early stage before.
Unlike the pretty orange-red Hemitrichia seen in recent posts, these are colorless. They also differ in a significant way in the hypothallus-stalk structure. Instead of a center channel transporting the protoplasm, a dark columella is clearly seen in the center of these. The center image shows this well with the clear membrane of the Hypothallus defining the channel the protoplasm takes as it makes its way into the translucent peridium. That’s the way I see it but, it could be also moving up the columella.
The bottom image shows a subject where transfer seems to be completed. These subjects taken from the field are very delicate and work with them must be done fast. A form of dehydration takes place that not only changes their physical appearance as seen in the lower image but they go into a state that leads to a freezing of the maturation process making them impossible to identify.
- Posts: 693
- Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
- Location: South Beloit, Ill
Thank you gentlemen both for your interest and kind words. Yes Ken I am proud of the images but I enjoy most having this forum to share them with the rest of the world. To be honest if I had not found you guys and learned about image stacking, macrostages, etc. none of this would have happened.