Out on a Hike

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Ken Ramos
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Out on a Hike

Post by Ken Ramos »


Don't know what that mushroom is in the top image of the composite, however I thought it looked pretty good. I have been out hiking the mountains quite a bit here of late. Sort of thought that I might have to give that all up with gas prices being as they are but I got rid of the truck and got something that gives me a bit more milage for less money. Anyway, that bottom image appears to be a species of Cordyceps, the notorious ant killer, though this one may not be the culprit. I did not dig it up to see what the host was that lay underneath, I imagine it was probably some sort of caterpillar. When out and about in these mountains, I try to leave nature in her place as much as possible.


I ran across the firey orange mushrooms back on a trail of unknown origin. The places I visit are not managed trails but those made by hunters and animals on the prowel. It is in places like this that you are one on one with nature. There are no park ranger stations for miles and the chances of you being found in these places, should you befall some unfortunate circumstance, are slim to none. As for a location or name for the area, it is only a number on a topographical map of conture lines. So one has to be careful and watchful in these places and be prepared should the worst occur. Hey...stuff happens, to put it mildly.

That spider on the bottom, I do not know what kind it is. I call them Woods Spiders and this is a baby compared to most others I see. Folks these things can get to the size of a tennis ball and they are extremely, I mean, EXTREMELY, aggressive. They don't put up with much. I poked one in the butt, a big one, with the tip my fly rod one day and it promptly turned around and bit it! :shock: Don't know if they are poisonous but I imagine they would make you wish you would just go ahead and die and get it over with, if one should bite you. :roll:

Posts: 191
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Post by Adrian »

nice spider shot ken, fungi has been a pretty common subject for me latey as its in season over here.

Walter Piorkowski
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Post by Walter Piorkowski »

Nice series Ken. I have had these spiders close at hand as they have jumped into my canoe. As you say large strong and aggressive.

Ken Ramos
Posts: 7208
Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:12 pm
Location: lat=35.4005&lon=-81.9841

Post by Ken Ramos »

Thanks Adrian/Walt :D

Walt wrote:
I have had these spiders close at hand as they have jumped into my canoe.
Well if I had a canoe, I know a spider or two who would probably end up owning it. :wink: :lol:

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