Big fly, small wasp

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Big fly, small wasp

Post by rjlittlefield »


I confess, I did not even see the small wasp when I was shooting the fly. The fly is probably 1/2 inch long. I guess that makes the wasp something like 1.5 mm!

This image is "posture stacked". I had two frames, very similar except that in one the wasp was in a good position but the front of the fly was incomprehensible, while in the other, the front of the fly was in a good position but the ends of its wings were cut off by the frame. This is a manual montage combining the best features of both frames.


Technical: Canon A710 IS in P mode, 1/800 sec at f/4.0.

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Post by beetleman »

You did a super job of post processing...I do not see any artifacts at all that tell me you did anything to tne photos.
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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Ah...bonus bugs! I like bonus bugs. :wink: Had to look for a minute before I realized where the wasp was at. Sure is a tiny little thing. Great shot there Rik :D

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