It does!MacroLuv wrote:Somewhere I read that true macro doesn't need crop.
Does it look better now?
And I know you're baiting me again about the "true macro", so I'll just say "twitch!", and you'll know what I mean.
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
A lot IMO! Cropping an image for compositional reasons is okay as long as you mention it. This is at least what I think about cropping.MacroLuv wrote:Does it look better now?
Forum policy is that it's okay, and you don't even need to mention it. What the posting guidelines say is okay as long as you mention it.
In previous discussions, we've also agreed that stacking should be noted.Digital enhancement of an image is allowed for contrast control, color corrections, and crop/sizing. Any digital enhancements that alter the "naturalness" of the subject must be declared in the image post. Any image that has had digital enhancements that deviate a considerable amount beyond reality should be so noted in the post.