Damsel having a snack

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Sven Bernert
Posts: 56
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Location: Switzerland

Damsel having a snack

Post by Sven Bernert »


30D, EF 180 + 1.4x TC + Canon Ringflash, monopod,
manual exposure 1/125 @ f/16, ISO 800, crop from horizontal

I caught this tiny little damsel (roughly one inch) eating an even tinier fly
(or at least what appears to look like it was a fly before it became dinner).

Disclaimer: I'm not sure what this image will look like color wise as I'm
posting this from my laptop, which is not the most reliable device in the
world when it comes to color management.

Just a life sign, friends :)

Best all,
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Post by PhilH »

Wow Sven, super image. Very well caught :D
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Post by beetleman »

I like the way the head seems to come out of a dark place :shock: Why do they always seem to eat the brains first. Excellent photo Sven
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Doug Breda

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Post by Danny »

Well howdy M8t :D :lol: :wink: A pleasure my friend.

Fine shot and a excellent perspective to see this behaviour from. Excellent selective focus and bang on where it should be. Nice German shot M8t :lol: :wink:

All the best Sven, so when are you coming down, LOL.

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

Sven Bernert
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:29 am
Location: Switzerland

Post by Sven Bernert »

Thanks guys! I'd love being able to spend more time on those things (cause they are the only important ones ...)
nzmacro wrote:Well howdy M8t :D :lol: :wink: A pleasure my friend.

Fine shot and a excellent perspective to see this behaviour from. Excellent selective focus and bang on where it should be. Nice German shot M8t :lol: :wink:

All the best Sven, so when are you coming down, LOL.

Hehe Danny my friend :lol: one day in the hopefully not so distant future I'll make it to your doorstep ... still dreaming of visiting NZ ..

Busy times at the moment over here. :roll:

All the Best,
If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you're not out there, you'll only hear about it. - Jay Maisel

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