After much soul searching (looking through my wallet) and review reading, and asking around, I finally broke down and got my new lens. I wanted a good "walk around" lens, to where I could do general photography but maybe some light macro work too, if the chance presented itself.
So, taking some good advice from our members has always seemed to be the best thing to do. You guys have "been there, done that...,"as the saying goes. Thanks Sue!
Manual mode/hand held
1/125 sec. @ f/13 ISO 100
Canon EF 28-135mm IS Wide Angel Zoom
430EX Speedlite
Cloudy, well above 6,000' and cold!
New Lens...
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Excellent photo ken. I see at least 5 insects in the picture, maybe more. The yellow really matches the green in the background. Mt. Mitchell beats Mt. Washington in New Hampshire by only 396 feet . We do have the second most hiked mountain in the world , Mt. Monadnock
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda