Fast grab from my garden...

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Post by salden »


Have you tried a monopod? Tripods get in my way, so I do not use them as a general rule with macro, but today I have been experimenting with my monopod and it will give you a bit more stability.
Sue Alden

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Post by DaveW »

The trouble is Sue all the flies in my garden seem to perch about 2" off the floor and I don't think they do 8" long monopods! Maybe I could make one?

My tripod would easily get down that low as I use a Benbo Mk. 1 but the insects would have cleared off at the first sights of it!

What ISO were you using? Karl tells me he was using ISO 400 for his fly plus the pop-up flash. I am down on ISO 100 as I was not keen on the grain (noise) last time I used ISO 400 and cropped the image.

All the best,


Posts: 1363
Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:40 pm
Location: Pennsylvania

Post by salden »

I am not using the monopod as intended, but hold it hoizontal. like a grip. It gives me more stablility with the camera. At low levels, I brace the leg of the monopod across my arm and it really does work, at least for me.
Sue Alden

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