This time of year, I try and put my houseplants out in the yard somewhere so they get fresh air and more humidity. I also put my carnivorous plants out so they can get some natural organic food. I noticed these three ants in my Tropical pitcher plant (Nepenthes) and took a few photos. Picture #2 is a stack of 10 pictures to get some of the rim in focus with the inside of the pitcher. This is the same plant that I posted pictures of here; ... =nepenthes
It did very well during the winter months in the house. Started growing new pitchers when the days got longer. The ants probably got stuck in the hairs and are getting digested there instead of in the bottom of the pitcher.
EX. 1/3.3
Last edited by beetleman on Tue May 15, 2007 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda