Red prickly pear cactus flower

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Red prickly pear cactus flower

Post by gslaten »

There are thousands of prickly pear cactus plants in our area of Tucson, but this is the first truly red one I have come across. Most are yellow to salmon in color.




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Post by cactuspic »

Good shot Gary. I have never seen a truly red opuntia. what else is blooming


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Post by beetleman »

A very deep red :shock: . I probably would have asked the owner for a cactus pad to plant :wink:
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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Lovely--I wonder if the color change is a species thing or just a variation?
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

You know I can't say as if I have ever seen a prickly pear, :-k at least not until now. Sure is red and beautiful. :D

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Post by gslaten »

Thanks for the comments and compliments. I just don't know enough about the varieties of prickly pear other than to know there are a lot. Some folks consider them weeds here.

I do know that most of them I see growing wild in the desert vary from bright yellow to salmon, but this one was planted in the cactus garden of a dude ranch, so is probably a different variety.

Cactuspic...just about everything in the desert is in bloom. I have been going crazy taking photos of cactus flowers every time I walk out the door with the camera. I will post a few more when I get home.

Doug...not to worry, I got one, and I know where there are plenty more:D

Mike...see above

Ken...I am sure you have seen them, but maybe not in bloom. They are pretty common all over the western part of the country.


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