A beetle in the Bog

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A beetle in the Bog

Post by beetleman »

I have a small bog I built next to my small pond (4'x4'...a puddle?). I have a few hardy Sundews, three types of hardy pitcher plants and about 12 Venus fly traps. Yesterday I was out working in the garden, also with my camera, and saw a few of these small beetles wandering around the bog. He did stop at the sundew for a second but it did not look like he ate anything off the plant. Sundew is about .5" in diameter.

1/250 sec.
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Mike B in OKlahoma
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Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Interesting....I seem to recall that some insects have learned to feed off of sundew, but I'm drawing a blank on particulars. Nicely-shot, and I love these very small subjects, even though DOF becomes a nightmare!
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Post by Danny »

Well its simple really, you need to spend more time in the bog M8t :wink: Looking at the scale of the plant here and your measurement, this is one tiny little beetle and a fine ratio. Very interesting and nice work. :D

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

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