Look deep into my eyes...

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Mike B in OKlahoma
Posts: 1048
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Look deep into my eyes...

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »


I like the eyes on this guy....An older shot that I'd never got around to posting.

Diamondback water snake
controlled situation
180mm macro
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."

Bruce Williams
Posts: 1120
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Location: Northamptonshire, England

Post by Bruce Williams »

Great detail in the scales Mike - and aren't they just beautiful too!

There looks to a lot of unresolved information in this image*. I was wondering what a full resolution crop of the head would look like?

Bruce :D

*due to max 800 pixel forum limit.
Last edited by Bruce Williams on Tue May 08, 2007 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by beetleman »

great snake shot Mike. The water snakes here in NH (northern Water snake) are big, bulky, and nasty tempered (tried to keep one once when I was younger...only lasted two days before I let it go.)
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Mike B in OKlahoma
Posts: 1048
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Location: Oklahoma City

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

Bruce Williams wrote:Great detail in the scales Mike - and aren't they just beautiful too!

There looks to a lot of unresolved information in this image*. I was wondering what a full resolution crop of the head would look like?

Bruce :D

*due to max 800 pixel forum limit.
There's certainly more you could see on the web-sized version, but not as much and crisp detail as I'd hoped because I was shooting at f/22 to make sure I had enough DOF. This is a 100% crop of the head area. Thanks for a useful reminder of the penalty we pay for stopping down past f/16 or so!


(added after posting--I went back to the original to get this, and now I see that I must have used some levels when I created the web-sized version several months ago. The crop is darker than the full-sized version I posted).
Last edited by Mike B in OKlahoma on Tue May 08, 2007 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."

Mike B in OKlahoma
Posts: 1048
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:32 pm
Location: Oklahoma City

Post by Mike B in OKlahoma »

beetleman wrote:great snake shot Mike. The water snakes here in NH (northern Water snake) are big, bulky, and nasty tempered (tried to keep one once when I was younger...only lasted two days before I let it go.)
I'm told most water snakes (at least the US varieties) have exceptionally large and nasty teeth for snakes because of the need to HANG ON to their prey when they don't have poison to keep it from getting far. If they lose their grip, the prey is likely to be gone where it either can't be found or where another predator will scarf it up. So if he bit you, I'll bet it was nasty!
Mike Broderick
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Constructive critiques of my pictures, and reposts in this forum for purposes of critique are welcome

"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul....My mandate includes weird bugs."

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Post by Danny »

I actually wonder sometimes, if you know exactly how much I've learnt off you through your posts over the years Mike. Not only with your shots, but also in other areas such as environmental issues and photography techniques. You are a source of great info with also excellent shots Mike. One very clever.........bud <---- thats an American term mate <----- and thats a Kiwi term :D :wink:

All the best M8t, IMO, incredible.

Worry about the image that comes out of the box, rather than the box itself.

Bruce Williams
Posts: 1120
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:41 pm
Location: Northamptonshire, England

Post by Bruce Williams »

Thanks for posting the full resolution crop Mike. My reaction is pretty much the same as your - nice but not quite as much detail as I expected.

I must do some experimentation with aperture settings on my Minolta A2 to establish the optimum aperture and to see for myself if image degradation becomes apparent as I stop right down.

Bruce :D

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