This Cacrus species is from Bolivia. It is supposed to have several flushes of blooms, at least 3-4 a year (so the seller said). I hope so Whole cactus is about 4.5 inches wide.
Rebutia Sanguinea Cactus
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Rebutia Sanguinea Cactus
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Brightly colored and beautiful, a little soft though but still good definition. Maybe it is just me but the composition looks just a little crowded but not so much as to worry over I think. What puzzles me is why it looks a little hot around the flowers on the right side, must be the vivid colors. Anyway very nice there Doug.
Thanks for the comments Ken. I took this picture out in the garden so it does have more of a natural setting. I have been using some black velvet as a backdrop on most of the cactus photos, so this one is a little different. Can cameras get softer with age. I took this with a tripod, 2 second delay so I was not touching the camera and I used some USM on it. Maybe I will get the lens cleaner out and do a complete makeover on the lenses
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda
Doug asked:
You know that is a good question. I really do not know if sensors fade like some electronic components do or not. I know the tft's in monitors do to an extent of about 50% over a certain period of time but sensors...that's a good question for...uh...umm...Rik! I would not be to concerned there Doug, the comments I made are mine alone, there are others who will see the photograph differently from me and besides, it is your photograph and it should suit you to what you want it to be, not what I want it to be or anyone else for that matter. My comments are ment to be constructive and I sure could use a few on some of my photos to tell me what I am missing.Can cameras get softer with age.