Scratching those 'difficult to reach' places is even more involved when you've got wings'n stuff in the way

Considering what it'd been doing a few frames earlier (insert) ... it made me wonder what the contents had been on that occasion ... after experiencing its behaviour shown in the main frame.
(It's on a tripod leg, btw ... was packing up, placed tripod down, gone to fetch other kit and noticed this 'blob of green' ...

Considering what the pair of SB's were upto ... a very unwelcome visitor ... but they didn't stop what they were doing and the newcomer flew off shortly after this 'Terry Wogan' moment. (TW is a TV/radio presenter in UK who used to have something of a 'name' for touching the knee of his interviewee )
Canon 10D + 200mm FD macro + converter
Tripod etc
Natural light