Some of you old timers may remember the days of silver halide and how Tri-X Pan was probably the fastest thing around, ASA 400, when it came to fast film, though later there were some much faster but alas it and they were quite grainy also, much like our digital noise today. The came Ektachrome 400 color slide film and it too was quite grainy However, there was a brightside to the grain problem but a great loss in film speed, ASA 24 or 25, can't remember,..." momma don't you take my Kodachrome away." So, return with me to the days of Tri-X Pan
Manual mode/Monochrome/hand held
1/200 sec. @ f/20 ISO 400
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro
Canon 430EX Speedlite
Manual mode/Monochrome/hand held
1/200 sec. @ f/18 ISO 400
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro
Canon 430EX Speedlite
I really like monochrome, nothing to worry over much but the contrast of light and dark. If one were trying to identify say, the fly or the spider, they would really have to excell in their knowledge of insect anatomy for to make proper identification. Also most anything can be shot in mono I think. My reasoning for that...its all about photography and self expression, mono is a canvas for moods and thoughts
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