Had a bit of a time with these images. Number one there was a slight breeze which kept things moving around and number two, these shots are hand held and I had problems maintaining a steady position besides trying to keep a steady hand. I guess it is all part of getting old, you wobble a lot. Really I should be using my monopod more.
Anyway I did not like the color as it was and I played with these images quite a bit until I got them somewhat to where I liked them. The blue channel of the image was pulled down slightly, giving it a more of a green tint but making the background colors a bit more pastel, which I liked and seemed to soften the lighting just a little. Now there may be some who think otherwise and of course everyone is a critic and entitled to their opinions but I rather like these and I do think the second one could be a little sharper with a bit more depth of field.
Manual mode, hand held, no flash
1/250 sec. @ f/5 ISO 400
Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 macro
Midday, sunny, in shade
(Image data, same as above)
Selective focus here, I really don't like the antennae to the left being head on but you have to take what you can get and sometimes you don't really notice a lot of things until you get the image downloaded and can take a good hard look at things. Again a tripod or the use of a monopod could have helped to improve the sharpness of this image, I believe, since I was not using a flash nor had the lens stopped down sufficently for a better DOF.
This "Bug's" for You!
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
- Posts: 300
- Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:13 pm
- Location: California
Oh...so that's what this is. I remember folks talking about "Blister Beetles" back when I was a kid but never knew or gave any thought to what they were. The name sounded pretty much self explanatory to me so I never persued one to find out just how it came by that name and being a "toe-headed" young boy running bare foot through the foothills of East Tennessee, blisters were pretty much a common and painful thing as they were. No sense in getting a few more from a bug. Thanks Gordon
Thanks Doug. I guess you could say or could you, that there is a bit of harmony between the beetle and the leaves that it is on? Well what ever the case, I really had not noticed the angle of the beetle in relation to the leaves or in the composition of the photograph. I just knew that I liked how it looked. Good eye Doug
Well, I know Pip my young Tarantula would love itsalden wrote:I like these images. Ugly bug..but I suppose someone has to love it.
Canon 5D and 30D | Canon IXUS 265HS | Cosina 100mm f3.5 macro | EF 75-300 f4.5-5.6 USM III | EF 50 f1.8 II | Slik 88 tripod | Apex Practicioner monocular microscope