Hi there,
It's been a while since I posted anything macro so thought I would put a few up.
Here is a little beetle and a European Wasp (or at least thats what we call them)
any way comments welcome as always good and bad
Regards Darren
Beetle and European Wasp
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Beetle and European Wasp
The Angel’s from the Book of Life
Wrote down our Jordy’s birth
And whispered as they closed the book
"Too Beautiful For Earth"
The Angel’s from the Book of Life
Wrote down our Jordy’s birth
And whispered as they closed the book
"Too Beautiful For Earth"
The colors on the first bug are fantastic....they really contrast with the green of the background. it is not a beetle but a true bug--Suborder Heteroptera--like these in our country http://bugguide.net/node/view/129
A great photo of the wasp..it looks like our "Yellow Jackets" in the USA. Nasty little fellows when you get too close
A great photo of the wasp..it looks like our "Yellow Jackets" in the USA. Nasty little fellows when you get too close
Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda
Doug Breda