Skull of a Nile crocodile - 9 frame stack

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Bruce Williams
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Skull of a Nile crocodile - 9 frame stack

Post by Bruce Williams »

Hi folks,

I mentioned in an earlier posting that my dog walking buddy Andy (of badger skull fame) had lent me the skull of a small Nile crocodile to photograph. This creature has what must be the easiest scientific name to remember, Crocodylus niloticus :D

Andy, bought this skull in Kos (a popular holiday Greek Island) and it almost certainly came from one of the many African croc farms. It is approximately 6 inches long.

I have taken several stacks (typically 9 to 12 frames) of the skull and have selected this pic as being perhaps the most dramatic pose. I used a light tent and lighting was placed to accentuate detail. Beyond a little cleaning up, levels and a VERY small amount of sharpening there has been no "artistic" manipulation - the skull really is this "craggy".

Minolta A2 f7.1 at 1/2 sec (12 frames but used only 9)

Could maybe take a tad more USM do you think?



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Post by beetleman »

WOW, that is spectacular Bruce. You did a wonderful job on the stacking. Very long DOF from front to back and the texture of the skull is awesome. I see no reason to use anymore USM IMO. It looks very prehistoric and primeval also. Question…all those pit holes along the snout and cheek…are they nerve or vein passageways or something else??
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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

That's one mean looking skull there Bruce :shock: What do they raise these things for anyway, their hides? From what I understand there is nothing that likes to eat these things, at least that is what I gathered from a tv nature series on them. :-k

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Doug - Thanks for your great words of encouragement. Interesting question about why so many holes along the snout and cheek - I'll see what I can Google out.

Ken - Well I've eaten crocodile tail a couple of times. I don't know if it was Nile croc. though. The meat was very white and quite palatable (bit like a cross between a swordfish steak and a beef steak). I would think that they would be very difficult things to eat using tooth and claw though and maybe that's why nothing (other than man) is known to eat them.

My guess is that (as you suggest) they are mainly raised for their hides (watch-straps, handbags and shoes for example). When you think about it, if it's not putting the species at risk then it's probably not a whole lot different to farm raising turkey, chicken, ostrich, deer, salmon, trout, sheep and cows.


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Post by rjlittlefield »

Bruce, this is beautiful! "Textbook" in all respects, and I mean that in the best way. :D

Here's an idea that you may already have played with and discarded...

As I look at this picture I wonder if I'd prefer the lower right side to be brightened up to roughly match the top side.

Somehow this current lighting leaves me with the impression that the lower jaw is gray while the upper jaw is white. The impression refuses to go away, no matter how much I try to reason with myself that it's just the lighting. So I'm thinking that maybe a change of illumination or even after-the-fact levels adjustment might be helpful.

Dunno -- it's one of those can't-tell-until-I-see-it things. :?


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Re: Skull of a Nile crocodile - 9 frame stack

Post by MacroLuv »

Very nice Bruce. :smt023
Bruce Williams wrote:... Could maybe take a tad more USM do you think?

Maybe just a little bit apply of whitening toothpaste? :lol:
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errors are welcome. :D

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Thanks Nikola. Well I've given his chin (and more) a lick of zubna pasta - what do you think?

Rik - Very sensitively put - and very helpful too :D . I've lifted levels selectively over the whole image with greater emphasis being given to the jaw. I've still left the right side a little darker on personal preference :D



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Post by rjlittlefield »

Ah! The first one was good -- but this is much better!

With the lighter shade I immediately noticed some structure and texture that escaped my attention the first time. I did not anticipate that effect.

Nicely done!


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