I love this fossil slab. It shows us a 3D snapshot (85mm X 40mm) of a small section of the Kentucky sea bed during the Upper Ordovician (about 450 million years ago). There is just so much to see in this beautifully prepped piece. The main specimen is the sickle-shaped bryozoan, Escharopora maculata which would have been attached to the sea bed by the pointed end.
E. maculata is a large colony of several thousand individual animals and it is surrounded by numerous trepostome bryozoans, brachiopods, a couple of sea urchin spines and various other Ordovician debris.
This fossil was found in the Fairview Formation, near Maysville, Kentucky and prepped by Jerry Rush from Cincinnati, Ohio.
The image was created from 2 manually stitched photos taken with my Minolta A2 (no stacking).
