Tibetan Prayer Pendant.

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Tibetan Prayer Pendant.

Post by beetleman »

This is a silver pendant prayer bead from Tibet. You can actually open it up. Usually someone would write a prayer on paper and place it inside for the person you give it to. The Symbols on the top of the pendant represent The Mani mantra which is the most widely used of all Buddhist mantras. The six syllables of the mantra, as it is often pronounced by Tibetans -- "Om Mani Padme Hum"
Reading from the fish’s head to tail (I think) the syllables are: Om (ohm), Ma (mah), Ni (nee), Pad (pahd), Me (may) & Hum (hum). Personally, I looked this up on the net, so the information could be wrong. If I am, please set me right , by all means :wink: Pendant is 2" long by .5" at the widest point. The symbols are made of silver, copper & brass. It is a stack of 12 images using Helicon Focus.

Take Nothing but Pictures--Leave Nothing but Footprints.
Doug Breda

Bruce Williams
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Post by Bruce Williams »

Nice job with Helecon Focus Doug - pin sharp focus from front to back.


Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Unusual little trinket there Doug. I once knew a guy, while I was in the Navy, who was a Buddhist.

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